Sep 21, 2009

Our New Pair of Havaianas

This should be posted last week but since I only got my pair of havies last weekend, i got the chance to post it today and thank my friend.

Before i thank my friend, let me share what's the story behind this havies. Before my friend went here for a vacation, she's asking me thru YM of course what would be her pasalubong to Tami and me. She's thinking of buying Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse stuff toy for tami but I said that Tami already have that stuff toy and she now liked Spongebob Squarepants than Mickey or Minnie Mouse. She decided to buy us here instead of buying in Singapore because it will also cost her if she exceed the baggage limit.

Since Tami's havies did not fit her anymore. I told Jen that instead of stuff toy, why not slippers or sandals, then she suggest havainanas and i agree with her because i love flip-flops and tami started to like it too aside from her crocs. Well she don't know the price of those but she love to wear it even when she's inside the house, maybe because she's comfortable wearing it.

Our new pair of Havaianas

Thanks Jen for our new pair of havies. Tami really liked it and she keeps on thanking me because she thinks i was the one who bought it..hehe

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