Nov 7, 2009

Google Adsense Support

Hubby texted me that Google send me something. I was so excited to go home from work because of the letter that Google has sent me. When i arrive, i checked the letter and it's Google informing me of my personal account for the Payment details together with the instruction.



Im so excited because i feel that this is the start of my new career! haha. Im not a pro when it comes to blogging and im not that computer wizard who knows every detail of html codes and also not a professional writer (i know that my english is not that good) but i feel that this letter somehow motivates me to become a pro-blogger..

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! This means you already have at least $10 in your account. Keep up the good work.

    Adsense earnings go up exponentially, which means the next $10 will come faster, and the next...

    And before you know it, you already have $100 and cashing out your earnings in the nearest Western Union. :D
