Oct 29, 2009

Nestle's fruit selection yogurt - Strawberry flavor

We all know that eating yogurt is a healthy choice. Everytime i do grocery, yogurt will never escape my list because we should always have some in our fridge because my daughter loves to eat yogurt.

Now that my daughter is sick, she cannot eat solid food and she's pointing at her neck, maybe because of her tonsils that's why she feels hard to swallow her food intake. As a worried mom, im thinking of a healthy alternative and i think of yogurt.

Since tami love the strawberry flavor of Nestle's selection fruit yogurt but this time i put some mashed banana into it so even if she dont eat rice, i make sure that she get some vitamins from fruits.

It also cheaper now, Nestle slashed the price of this yogurt months ago, from P 32.00, it's now P25.00. cheap isn't it?



  1. Hi, can I know nestle yogurt like you bought, is same of home making yogurt, because I don't know how to making whatever I already learn via internet.

  2. hi...it's Nestle's fruit selection yogurt and you can buy the yogurt in any grocery stores and theres a lot of flavor to choose from.

  3. Thanks for your reply, so yogurt(any brands) in grocery stores are same of home make yogurt?

    Thanks again!

  4. yes it is the same with home-made yogurt...

  5. Thanks you more, now I realize...
