Apr 2, 2011

Home Made Facial Scrub

My beauty regimen every morning of weekend is having my own facial scrub.

I dont have flawless skin, in fact i have a Skin Asthma that makes my skin very sensitive. This makes me very careful in choosing products because it can damage my skin anytime. Aside from having diamond peel once a while, i make sure that i cleanse my face in our home using organic products or products that is good for sensitive skin.

This time, i wanna show my Home Made Facial Scrub. Ive been doing this for quite sometime as an alternative for facials. This also makes my skin texture good, moisturized and sometimes pimple-free.

The ingredients:

Pure honey - Honey is known for moisturizing and gives glow to the skin. I bought this from Ilog Maria.
(Click here to view their site)
Oatmeal - i used this as scrub to exfoliate dead skin cells.
Calamansi - known for whitening skin.


First step: Get a spoonful of honey and place it in small container. In my case i use platito.. hehe

Second step: Pour some oatmeal on the honey.

Third step: Squeeze the calamansi in the honey and oatmeal.

Fourth step: Mix all the ingredients.

After mixing all the ingredients, put it on your face and scrub it to exfoliate your dead skin cells. Leave it for at least 5 to 10 mins to absorb the vitamins of the honey and calamansi. Then rinse after. This will leave you soft and smooth skin.

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